ARTH 320 Entangled Worlds

Art and Architecture in Spain and Colonial Latin America 1500-1700

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About ARTH 320 Entangled Worlds: Art and Architecture in Spain and Colonial Latin America 1500-1700

Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Point Grey Campus, traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) People

Instructor: Joseph Monteyne

Teaching Assistant: TBC

This course surveys painting, sculpture, and architecture in Spain and colonial Latin America during the reign of the Habsburg dynasty with a focus on transcultural modes. We will discuss the continued vitality of Islamic Moorish styles (mudéjar) in Spain and Granada particularly, and the contrast established by arrival of the Renaissance in Spain with the adoption of classical architecture and Renaissance modes of painting by Charles V and Philip II. We will also examine the painted distortions of El Greco, the Spanish tradition of hyper-realistic painted wooden sculpture, the work of Ribera, Zurbaran, Murillo, and Velazquez’s genre scenes (bodegónes) and his commissions for King Philip IV. We will also discuss mission architecture and decoration in early colonial Latin America and the hybrid forms created by the fusion of Spanish, mudéjar and Amerindian culture, as well as manuscript and secular painting, finishing up our survey with a discussion of urban cathedrals and palaces in Mexico and Peru.

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